SGNIC Gives Thumbs-Up for 6,000 Second-Level Domain Names

The wait is finally over! After 15 weeks of registration and assessment, a total of 5,923 second-level ".sg" domain names have been approved by the Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) for launch today.

SGNIC announced in August last year that it was opening the second-level ".sg" domain names to create more choices and a vibrant Internet environment in Singapore through the proliferation of such domain names. Second-level ".sg" domain names like are shorter and easier to remember as compared to its third-level counterpart e.g. Registration for second-level domain names is also simpler, is open to both locals and foreigners alike and requires no documentary proof1.

The first phase of the implementation for second-level domain names started in September last year and ended yesterday. This phase was to accord registered trademark and well-known mark holders, government bodies and existing registrants priority in registering the second-level ".sg" domain names. Where there were multiple applications within the same priority group for the same domain name, a closed bidding exercise was conducted to determine the successful applicant. The closed bidding process allows bidders to determine the ascribed value of the domain name themselves.

There were 71 contested domain names which were put through the closed bidding process in which the affected registrants placed their bids. The registrant with the highest bid won the rights to the domain name.

From today, those interested to apply for second-level domain names may do so at any of the seven SGNIC-accredited registrars2. Applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. For more information, please refer to the SGNIC website at


Notes to Editors:

1 Unlike registering for third-level domain names, applicants for second-level domain names need not show documentary proof of their eligibility to apply. This is because second-level domains do not contain .com, .org, .net, etc. Foreign-based registrants minimally need only to designate a local contact, such as their local registrar, before they can register for a second-level �.sg� domain name.

2 The seven accredited commercial registrars are:

  • Adicio Pte Ltd
  • Cybersite Pte Ltd
  • IP Mirror Pte Ltd
  • Pacific Internet Ltd
  • SingNet Pte Ltd
  • Vooju Pte Ltd
  • Webvisions Pte Ltd
  • Supplementary Information:

    Please refer to the IDA Media Portal at for a brief introduction to domain names in the article, "What's In a Domain?".

    About Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC)

    The Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) is a fully owned subsidiary of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore. SGNIC was set up in October 1995 with the main purpose of administering the Internet domain name space in Singapore. It is the central registry delegated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to administer domain name registration under the ".sg" domain name. SGNIC collaborates with the international, regional and local Internet communities to ensure a stabilised and efficient operation of the ".sg" domain name space in support of applications provided over the Internet.

    For media clarifications, please contact:

    Ms Noraizah Zainal Abidin

    c/o Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

    Tel: +65 6211-0273

    Fax: +65 6211-2227
