Proposed Allocation Results for pure Numeric Domain Names.

SGNIC is pleased to announce the proposed allocation results of the pure numeric domain names (NDN) applications recieved during the Sunrise period (5 Nov 2007 - 28 Dec 2007).

See the results at this URL:
Proposed Allocation Results 2008-02-25

Objection Period

An objection period (25 Feb 08 to 10 Mar 08) is provided for the public to raise objections against any allocation of a NDN during the Post-Sunrise Period which the objector considers not to have been made in accordance with the SLG. Objections not related to the procedures set out in the SLG shall not be entertained.

A person raising an objection to an NDN allocation result shall provide evidence that the NDN allocated by SGNIC during the Post-Sunrise Period did not comply with the Guidelines.

Objections shall be filed by completing an objection form (together with all requisite documents or information prescribed by SGNIC and sending the completed
objection form to SGNIC via mail, fax or email, addressed to:

General Manager (SGNIC)
Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd
8 Temasek Boulevard
#14-00 Suntec Tower 3
Singapore 038988
Fax: (65) 6211-2217

Please ensure that your objection form (and requisite documents, if any) reach SGNIC by 5pm 10 Mar 2008.