On 3 November 2009, SGNIC announced the launch of Chinese Domain Names (CDNs). The launch will take place in the following phases: 

Phase #1: Government Applications 23 Nov 2009 - 31 Dec 2009 

Phase #2: Trademark Owners Applications 7 Jan 2010 - 18 Feb 2010 
Sunrise: 25 Mar 2010 - 6 May 2010 
General Launch: 10 June 2010 onwards 

Registrations can be made with any of SGNIC's participating accredited registrars and are available in all the domain name categories, namely .sg, .com.sg, .org.sg, .net.sg, .edu.sg, .gov.sg, .per.sg. 

Registrations are subject to the "SGNIC Chinese Domain Names (CDNs) Launch Guidelines" which prescribes policies and procedures concerning applications during the various phases, priority claims, biddings and other general implementation details. 

Applications during the first three phases will be on batch-processing for each phase while applications for the General Launch will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Please refer to the launch schedule and relevant documents below for more details. 

For more information, you may wish to contact us at 6774-0479 or email us at dnq@sgnic.sg

Launch Schedule

Milestones Duration Activities
Phase 1: Government Applications 9:00am 23 Nov 09 to 12:00pm 31 Dec 09 Acceptance of applications from government agencies. Names will be processed as a batch.
5:00pm 6 Jan 10 Batch Activation of all names registered during Phase 1.
Phase 2: Trademark Owners Applications 9:00am 7 Jan 10 to 5:00pm 18 Feb 10 Acceptance of applications from trademark owners. Bidding will ensue if there are multiple applications for the same domain name. Names will be processed as a batch.
5:00pm 24 Mar 10 Batch Activation of all names registered during Phase 2.
Sunrise 9:00am 25 Mar 10 to 5:00pm 6 May 10 Acceptance of applications from all entities but with a priority fee of $100 for each name. Bidding will ensue if there are multiple applications for the same domain name. Names will be processed as a batch.
5:00pm 9 Jun 10 Batch Activation of all names registered during Sunrise.
General Launch 10 Jun 10 Acceptance of applications from all entities on a first-come-first-served basis. There will be no priority fee imposed.
SGNIC reserves the right to make changes to the above schedule with or without prior notice. 



Other Applicable Policies and Agreements

Press Release